Allah Says in Qur`aan: You are sent for the benefit of mankind. You should advocate the fair and forbid the Unfair, and believe in one Allah. [Surah Aale Imran: 110]
The prophet ﷺ said: The dearest places to Allah on earth are mosques. [Muslim : 1560, An Abi Hurairah]Therefore the prophet ﷺ constructed the Masjid-e-Nabawi and started 4 works from Masjid-e-Nabawi: 1) Education, 2) Worship, 3) Social service, 4) Invitation towards Deen, amongst other works.
Now it is our responsibility to do all these work of deen from our mosques with an intention of benefiting people and preventing them from doing wrong. That is why Deeniyat Educational & Charitable Trust have started doing these 4 works from mosques few years ago and created an excellent system of religious education through organized maktab and at the same time started management of formal schools established in the vicinity from the mosques along with social service for the people of all faiths and religions.
Now the intention of Deeniyat is to pass on the experience gained over the years to others quickly and easily through our Apps and Website so everyone can understand the work of education and social service and execute it from their mosque or any other place and the life and wealth of persons involved in this work can be utilised in best possible manner and education, social justice and humanity can be spread in the entire world.
By doing this work from mosques it becomes easier to get more volunteers and gives people easy access to take advantage from it, Insha Allah. May Allah Almighty accept our lives, wealth, time and abilities to do all the work of Deen. Aameen.